Title: Psyren, PSYЯEN, PSYREN-サイレン- Genre(s) : Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Shounen, Supernatural
Author : IWASHIRO Toshiaki
Yoshina Ageha is a high school student who offers to help people with their problems for 10,000 yen. He'll take care of your stalkers, find your lost animal, whatever you want. One day when he's heading home, a nearby pay phone rings, and he picks it up. The only thing he hears however is his own voice echoing. After finding a mysterious card with the word 'Psyren' printed on it, his life suddenly changes as he is drawn into a crazy new world.
Download Links:
Psyren v01[Binktopia].zip
Psyren v02[Binktopia].zip
Psyren v03[Binktopia].zip
Psyren v04[Binktopia].zip
Psyren v05[Binktopia].zip
Psyren v06[Binktopia].zip
Psyren v07[Various].zip
Psyren v08[Various].zip
Psyren v09[Various]
Author : IWASHIRO Toshiaki
Yoshina Ageha is a high school student who offers to help people with their problems for 10,000 yen. He'll take care of your stalkers, find your lost animal, whatever you want. One day when he's heading home, a nearby pay phone rings, and he picks it up. The only thing he hears however is his own voice echoing. After finding a mysterious card with the word 'Psyren' printed on it, his life suddenly changes as he is drawn into a crazy new world.
Download Links:
Psyren v01[Binktopia].zip
Psyren v02[Binktopia].zip
Psyren v03[Binktopia].zip
Psyren v04[Binktopia].zip
Psyren v05[Binktopia].zip
Psyren v06[Binktopia].zip
Psyren v07[Various].zip
Psyren v08[Various].zip
Psyren v09[Various]
- Psyren ch074[BR].zip
- Psyren ch075[HM].zip
- Psyren ch076[FH].zip
- Psyren ch077[FH].zip
- Psyren ch078[nerieru].zip
- Psyren ch079[FH].zip
- Psyren ch080[Binktopia].zip
- Psyren ch081[Binktopia].zip
- Psyren ch082[Binktopia].zip (New!!)
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